The Terminus group in The Walking Dead is a mysterious and dangerous survivor group that may practice cannibalism. The Walking Dead franchise, which premiered in 2010 and lasted for 11 seasons, includes spin-offs and other related media. The show explores various survivor groups, showing that what people do in a post-apocalyptic world is more intriguing than dealing with zombies. Terminus is one such group, and they initially appear friendly before attacking Rick and his group.
Hints of their cannibalistic tendencies are dropped, with their leader, Mary, often seen cooking unknown meat. Showrunner Scott M.
Gimple intentionally obscured Terminus' cannibalism until season 5. Flashbacks reveal that the current Terminus group resorted to cannibalism to survive after being attacked by bandits. Their actions are particularly despicable as they mimic the walkers, creatures they themselves fear. Although an original creation for the show, Terminus draws inspiration from the Hunters, a similar group in the comic. The Walking Dead franchise has captivated audiences with its exploration of the human drama amidst a zombie apocalypse.