In a small rural town, an abandoned funeral home stands as a grim reminder of a once-prominent community establishment. This funeral home, a staple for decades, was abruptly shut down by state authorities in 2019 following severe violations of business ethics. The closure was a result of numerous complaints about the facility's unprofessional practices, which prompted an official investigation and ultimate shutdown. Our recent exploration of this site revealed shocking and unsettling findings that paint a troubling picture of its last days.
A Tour Through Decay
Upon entering the funeral home, the neglected and grimy conditions were immediately apparent.
The back door was fortunately unlocked, leading us into a scene of stark disarray. The embalming room, once a critical part of the funeral process, now serves as a chaotic display of the facility's decline. Covered in grime and clutter, the room still houses old embalming tools and a variety of fluids, including embalming and cavity fluids. The equipment, though historical, was stained and coated in a mix of bodily fluids and possibly even blood, hinting at the unethical practices that once occurred here.Disturbing Discoveries
The most harrowing find was inside the caskets themselves. We discovered several caskets still in place, some with visible stains that could be remnants of blood or embalming fluid. The sight was deeply disturbing, revealing a possible lack of proper care and handling of deceased bodies. Such conditions are not only unethical but also indicative of severe negligence, especially given the facility's prior troubles.
Among the wreckage, we found a variety of items including death records, cremation remains, and even vintage funeral accessories. The paperwork, dating back to 2003, showed the official closure of the funeral home.
Old caskets, some still in relatively good condition, were scattered throughout the building, suggesting a disorganized attempt to clear out inventory before the closure.Inside the Chapel
The chapel area of the funeral home, though cluttered and neglected, retained its somber elegance. Pews and floral arrangements, though covered in dust and grime, still stood in place. At the front of the chapel was a baby blue casket, notably clean compared to others found in the building. The space also featured a mural and an antique couch, reflecting the funeral home's past attempts at creating a respectful environment for services.
An intriguing discovery was an old, antique cooler and various funeral-related items that had been repurposed or left to deteriorate. The room was filled with remnants of a bygone era, from faded records to old furniture, which painted a poignant picture of the funeral home's decline.
The Vehicles
Behind the funeral home, we found two classic Cadillac hearses. These vintage vehicles, though in poor condition, were once symbols of the funeral home's prestige. The Cadillac hearse, often associated with high-quality service, was now buried under debris and showing signs of significant wear.
Despite their current state, these vehicles stand as historical artifacts from a time when the funeral home was a respected institution in the community.The Bigger Picture
Our exploration of this abandoned funeral home uncovered more than just physical decay; it highlighted a broader issue of mismanagement and unethical practices. The disturbing conditions and evidence of neglect provide a stark reminder of the importance of proper oversight and ethical standards in all businesses, especially those involved in handling sensitive services like funeral care.
As we wrapped up our visit, the eerie atmosphere and haunting discoveries left a lasting impression.
The abandoned funeral home, once a cornerstone of the community, now serves as a powerful symbol of decline and mismanagement. For those interested in exploring further, more photos and details about this and other locations can be found on our website, To support our work and continue uncovering stories from abandoned sites, consider donating through our platform.The exploration of this funeral home serves as a compelling narrative about the consequences of unethical business practices and the importance of maintaining respect and professionalism in all areas of service.