A Supernatural Revival Now Seems Inevitable - And That's A Good Thing

A revival is practically inevitable — and that's a very good thing. The signs of a revival have been slowly amassing over the two years the show has been off the air; now, a few words from one of its biggest stars may bring great hope to those who want to see the Winchester brothers back in action again. After the series ended in 2020, the starsall went on to explore their own new ventures — but that doesn't mean they've hung up the keys to the Impala permanently.

The fact that survived for 15 seasons, has been greenlit for a prequel, and is already buzzing with the rumor of a revival is no surprise.

Following a pair of monster-hunting brothers — (Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki) — tells the story of horror, love, and family, both blood and found. As one of The CW's most successful series, ran for an impressive 15 seasons. Just when the story seemed to be over and the Winchesters retired, the possibility of a revival appeared on the distant horizon.

Now, an from Jensen Ackles makes a revival inevitable. When asked about the possibility of a revival, Ackles' response was enthusiastic; "With the Winchester brothers eagerly on board, a revival is very likely to happen at some point.

The crew certainly loves working together — as many of them have come together to collaborate on shows like and — and , proves that The CW is willing to continue the franchise. With all of this coming together, the stars are beginning to align for an eventual revival.

When Could A Supernatural Revival Happen?

If a revival ever happens, it won't be any time soon. Ackles explained that he and Padalecki took a step back from the series to explore other opportunities in their careers — which is more than evident in the way the pair quickly moved on to shows like

and , respectively. With this exploration just beginning, it will probably be some years before the duo is ready to look at . Additionally, with the prequel set to start airing in Octover 2022, it's unlikely would have the two endeavors overlap so soon after the series' conclusion.

What Would A Supernatural Revival Look Like?

With a show like there are plenty of directions a revival could go in. The series finale certainly left a few unopened doors and unanswered questions, and there is still plenty to explore now that Jack has taken over as God.

The finale received a fair deal of backlash when it first premiered, as the ending largely felt rushed and did the series little justice — a revival would be the perfect solution to give the fandom, and the Winchesters, the ending they deserve. Ackles, however, has his own idea; a 10-episode limited HBO where the Winchester brothers take on one last case together — it certainly wouldn't be the first time a ghost helped solve a case in . Ten episodes would give the series enough time to bring back some old favorites and dive back into what made so successful while avoiding the pitfalls of its original run.

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