What does it take to be a real cowboy? Seems like Darren Mann knows the answer.
But the recent episode just made it clear one more time that Mann was just born to play an iconic cowboy in the show.
The Western prequel has a lot of action, of course, but it is certainly not the focus of the viewer’s attention. What is, however, is the romance between Jack and Elizabeth, played by Michelle Randolph.
Those two were parted for some time, but finally managed to make their ways towards each other.
And the writers put them in an extreme position to show that they are not afraid of anything to be with each other.
So the scene includes Elizabeth hopping off a buggy and Jack jumping off a horse before they finally hold each other.
The jumping scene alone really amazed all the fans, because even though Mann made it look like an everyday routine to jump off the moving horse, the stunt itself was a very complicated task, especially for someone who isn’t a pro.
As a result, the fans got what was probably one of the most emotional scenes in the series.
Season 1 of the show ended with Banner Creighton’s, the man who killed the fathers of Jack and Elizabeth, prison release.
So perhaps fans will get the chance to wait and see how the real cowboy Dutton deals with him in season 2.