Friends: 12 Moments That Will Absolutely Make You Cringe Now!

“Fat Monica”

This is obviously the numbering offender with its blatant cruelty. The very, very slim character of Monica (Courteney Cox) was written as a woman who was fat when she was younger, a punchline that get referenced throughout the entire series (complete with Cox in a “fat suit” during flashback scenes.) The  writers made sure we knew Monica would have been miserable had she not shed her high school pounds because if you're overweight, you're destined for a celibate existence filled with Kit Kats, "fat sister" jokes, and awkward dance parties for one.

Obviously, . Has a show ever fat-shamed a character more than  fat-shamed young Monica? Show me receipts.

The attitude toward ’s dad, Charles

Charles's job—he's a drag queen at a Las Vegas club—is the subject of constant ridicule on the show. If people aren't making jabs at Charles's appearance—Chandler says, "There's " sarcastically when he first sees Charles perform—they're offensively questioning his identity. "Don't you have a little too much penis to be wearing a dress like that?" Chandler's mom, Nora, says to Charles in the seventh season.

We get it,  You think queer people are punch lines.

When the boys have a conversation that literally turns women into objects

"What if there is only one woman for everybody?" Ross says like he's talking about some kind of Black Friday sale. But, don't worry, Joey assures Ross that there are many kinds of women in the world—like ice cream—and that he just needs to grab a spoon. Scoop up any girl you want, Ross! (Also, GTFO.)

When  and Chandler freak out watching Carol breastfeed baby Ben

Maybe it's not the most offensive moment, but it's obnoxious and immature.

The treatment of Monica, Rachel, and  during the “The One With the Football”

Because women don't know anything about football and have to flash their male opponents if they want to win the game. That isn't sexist at all—nor is Rachel's depiction as helpless and unable to hold her own on the field. Monica, the best player on the team, isn't even a silver lining because the boys mock her competitive attitude. How dare a woman try to beat boys at sports!

When Ross loses his shit because Ben wants to play with a Barbie doll

In the mind of Ross Geller, boys need to play with monster trucks and eat entire blocks of wood—which leads us to...

Ross’s awful attitude toward Sandy, the male nanny

For the record, you cannot to ask someone during a job interview whether they're gay. It's even worse because Ross is assuming Sandy's profession is only for women. 

When Rachel tells everyone in her office that Tag is gay so women won’t pursue him

Spreading lies about someone's sexual orientation  doesn't make them vulnerable to harassment or job termination, right? Getting outed at work is a serious fear for many queer folks; it isn't cool that 

 makes jokes about it.

When Chandler basically shades “Fun Bobby” for trying to get sober

You remember Fun Bobby from the second season: He was Monica's boyfriend who discovered he was "fun" only because he drank all time. When Fun Bobby vows to get sober, his mood drops, and Chandler starts calling him "Ridiculously Dull Bobby" behind his back. It's such a drag when people try to kick their pesky alcoholism, you know? The only logical solution is to start drinking heavily around the boring alcoholic just to tolerate him (SMH, Monica).

The light and humorous way the show deals with Paolo assaulting Phoebe

For future reference, sitcom writers, "making a move" on someone doesn't mean grabbing their ass at work—unprompted—before giving them an unsolicited look at your genitals. That's called sexual assault, and it shouldn't have a laugh track.

The way Ross was jealous of Mark and wildly controlling over Rachel

In many instances, Ross treated Rachel like his possession. Storming into her new office with a picnic basket to make sure she's not talking to a male colleague? It's uncomfortable to watch in hindsight. Rachel even calls out all the insane gifts Ross sends to her office as his way of "marking his territory."

When Ross and Joey are excited to hang out with Janine’s drunk dancer friends

Two sober men jazzed about spending the day with a group of women who are under the influence is framed as comedy here—not possible assault. I can't.

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