One of today's best police procedurals, "Blue Bloods" offers a unique blend of cop stories and family drama. Centered on a family of law enforcers in New York City, the show is led by Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan, the NYC Police Commissioner whose entire family fights for justice in one way or another. His sons Jamie (Will Estes) and Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) work for the NYPD while his daughter Erin (Bridget Moynahan) is a city prosecutor.
Since the show launched in 2010, "Blue Bloods" has kept audiences on the edge of their seats, and one of its biggest strengths has been its cast of compelling characters.
However, not every one of them is universally loved by fans. Some characters have routinely frustrated viewers, while others are so disliked that fans would love to see them written off the show. From long-time regulars and recurring Reagan adversaries to guests that quickly became unwelcome, these are the "Blue Bloods" characters that fans can't stand.