Fans of the hit sitcom Full House were treated to a revival with the spin-off show Fuller House, which premiered on Netflix in 2016 and has continued with five seasons so far. While the show has been well-received, like any production, it had its share of continuity errors in the first season that went largely unnoticed by fans. Here are ten mistakes that slipped through:
Invisible Infant: In the first episode, Tommy's highchair magically changes from being empty to having him in it within a split second.
Changing Chores: During a conversation between DJ and Steve, the days on a chore calendar in the background switch names between shots.
Elvis Error: Uncle Jesse, known for his love of Elvis, sings along in the car but gets the words wrong to an Elvis song.
Down The Toilet: Joey's toilet paper shooter has the roll on backward, which would prevent it from unravelling properly when activated.
Swayze Switch-Up: DJ and Kimmy plan to do a dance routine from Dirty Dancing, which they allegedly performed in fourth grade, but the movie was released after they had already started fifth grade.
Time Of My Lip Sync: In Stephanie's music video with Macy Gray, she lip-syncs the wrong lyrics at the beginning.
Baby Blunder: In a scene with Stephanie and Tommy, a doll briefly appears in the highchair instead of the actual baby.
Birthday Blowout: During Ramona's party, the candles on Jackson's cupcakes switch from unlit to lit without explanation.
Aunt Who?: Stephanie mistakenly refers to Aunt Becky as "Lori," the name of the actress who plays her.
Yearly Beloved: Aunt Becky mentions being married for 28 years, but she and Jesse have actually been married for 25 years at the time of the episode.
Despite these continuity errors, Fuller House continued to entertain fans with its nostalgic charm, beloved characters, and heartwarming storylines.