Nothing can stop Jennifer Aniston, aka Rachel Green from Friends from speaking her heart out. The actor over years has called out everything wrong and never held herself back. Now she is again talking about a ‘difficult’ actor on the sets of her world popular sitcom and how he behaved as if he was way bigger than the show. She also addresses reuniting with .
In an interview, the three iconic ladies from Friends, Jennifer, Courteney Cox, and Lisa Kudrow were all candid about many things around them and from the past.
While talking about a nightmarish throwback, Aniston recalled a tough actor who graced the sets of the show and behave rather contradictory to the vibe on the sets which were pleasant. Read on to know everything you should about the same, and also what Aniston has to say exactly.SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show on Wednesday, Jennifer Aniston recalled, “as if they were just too ‘above’ this, to be on a sitcom.” She continued talking about the difficult actor on the sets of , and said, “I remember when we were doing a network run-through, the network and the producers would just laugh.
And this person would be like, ‘Listen to them, just laughing at their own jokes. So stupid, not even funny. It was just like, ‘What are you doing here?’”“This is a wonderful, warm place to be, and you’re coming into our home and just shit on it,’” she continued. While expressing her views ahead, she made sure she conveyed that the person had addressed his/her behaviour since then. Jennifer Aniston said, “The funny thing is, that male did apologize about their behaviour years later, and just said, ‘I was so nervous, to be honest, that I wasn’t on my best behaviour.
’”Jennifer, last September, appeared as part of a star-studded virtual table read of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which also had Brad Pitt. Reuniting with him was fun she says. “We speak, and there’s no oddness at all, except for everyone that probably watched it and was wanting there to be or assumed there to be,” she concluded.