Exclusive : Kelly Clarkson Says She' s "NEVER FELT SEXIER " Since Getting Married and Having Kids

Kelly Clarkson, the Queen of Real Talk, is once again giving fans her uncensored take on body image, fame, and motherhood.

The singer, mom to River Rose, 3, and Remington Alexander, 1, with husband Brandon Blackstock, was asked during a  if becoming a mother and wife has changed her music"I mean, it sounds funny, but I’ve never felt sexier, I’ve never felt more confident, I’ve never felt more empowered," she said.

Yes, you read that correctly: Being a parent has empowered her and made her feel 

But she, clarified, she doesn't believe you need kids or a ring on your finger to feel good about yourself.

You can be single and child-free and feel just as confident.

"I don’t think you have to get married or have children to have those things, it’s just that’s what happened to me personally. It’s like your give-a-crap factor drops," she said.

Especially when it comes to online trolls — the  alum said she's determined to stay strong in the face of criticism for her kids. "It does not bother me because I am very fulfilled and I love my life and I'm blessed," she explained. "It's not like I'm doing it to be Joan of Arc in the music industry, it's because I'm a mother and I care what is said to my kids and I want them to build an armor to wear. An armor of confidence."

Clarkson, who has been married to husband Brandon Blackstock since 2013, has practically become known for saying highly relatable, frank anecdotes — whether it's , that she , or  Consider her an ambassador for women whose "give-a-crap [factors]" have also melted away.

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