Jennifer Aniston, the beloved actress known for her role as Rachel Green in the hit sitcom "Friends," recently admitted that she enjoys watching reruns of the show. However, what may come as a surprise to fans is that she never liked the iconic theme song of the series.
The revelation came during a virtual interview with her friend and fellow actress, Lisa Kudrow, who played Phoebe Buffay on "Friends." As the two reunited for Variety's Actors on Actors series, Kudrow mentioned that she sometimes watches episodes of the show when they air on television. Aniston confessed that she does the same, stating, "I love stumbling on a 'Friends' episode.
This one time, I was with Courteney [Cox], and we were trying to find something to reference, an old 'Friends' thing, and then we stumbled on—I can't even. I can't help it. First, I'm trying to remember which episode it actually is, and then half the time I'm saying to myself, 'I don't remember that.' You get sucked into the nostalgia of it."It seems that Aniston finds comfort and joy in reliving the memories of the beloved show, even if she doesn't always remember all the details. The actress acknowledged that watching the episodes brings back a wave of nostalgia, transporting her back to the time when "Friends" was still on the air.
Additionally, Aniston revealed her longstanding disapproval of the sitcom's theme song, "I'll Be There for You" by The Rembrandts. She admitted, "No one was really a big fan of that theme song. We felt it was a little, I don't know, dancing in a pond, a fountain, felt odd. But we did it!"
Aniston's confession about the theme song aligns with the sentiments of many "Friends" fans who may have grown tired of hearing it play repeatedly before every episode. Despite the cast's reservations, the tune became synonymous with the show's catchy and lighthearted nature.
The interview between Aniston and Kudrow provided a delightful glimpse into their friendship and their shared experiences on the set of "Friends." The iconic show, which aired for ten seasons from 1994 to 2004, continues to captivate audiences around the world through reruns and on streaming platforms.
Overall, Jennifer Aniston's recent revelation that she enjoys watching reruns of "Friends" and her confession about not liking the show's theme song have sparked intrigue and delighted fans worldwide. It's heartwarming to see Aniston embrace the nostalgic memories of the show, further solidifying her connection to the character and the impact "Friends" continues to have on viewers.