Yellowstone has become a popular television show since its debut in 2018. The unique modern-day Western drama focused on a rancher's fight against urban development rather than the typical cowboy vs. rancher conflict. However, the series faced some behind-the-scenes drama between lead actor Kevin Costner and creator Taylor Sheridan, leading to its cancellation. Despite this, there is still more to come for Yellowstone, as Season 5 Part 2 and spin-off shows are in the works. Season 5 Part 1 of Yellowstone premiered in November 2022 and ended in January 2023. Part 2 was originally scheduled to start filming in March, but it was delayed due to the issues between Costner and Sheridan.
The filming date was further delayed due to the ongoing strikes by the Writers Guild of America and Screen Actors Guild.The strikes have prevented the production of Part 2, and it is currently uncertain when filming will begin. It is expected that Costner will return for Season 5 Part 2, as he plays a central role in the show. However, it is unclear how much screen time he will have, as there were reports of disagreements between him and Sheridan. If the issues were resolved, Costner's role may be smaller than originally planned. There is even speculation that his character, John Dutton, may be killed off in Part 2.
The cast of Season 5 Part 1 is expected to return for Part 2, although the characters' storylines may have changed. Some characters will head to Texas, while others will stay in Montana. Additionally, there may be appearances by characters from the spin-off show 6666, which is set in Texas. The conflict between John Dutton and his adopted son, Jamie, will continue to be a major storyline in Season 5 Part 2. However, with the uncertainty surrounding Costner's role, the focus may shift to the ranch hands in Texas, potentially setting up the spin-off show. When Season 5 Part 2 is released, it will air on the Paramount Network. After all the episodes are released, they will likely be available on the Peacock streaming service. Previous seasons of Yellowstone can be purchased or rented on various digital platforms. CBS has also aired reruns of Season 1, and there may be more reruns in the future. In conclusion, while there has been drama behind the scenes, Yellowstone fans can look forward to Season 5 Part 2 and spin-off shows. The release date for Part 2 remains uncertain due to ongoing strikes, but once it airs, fans can watch it on the Paramount Network or stream it on Peacock.