Young Sheldon’s Ending Fixed The Big Bang Theory's Most Confusing Mary Plot Hole!

The Finale That Tied Up Loose Ends

The much-anticipated series finale of Young Sheldon has finally aired, addressing and resolving one of the most perplexing plot holes from The Big Bang Theory. Fans of both shows have long been puzzled by the close relationship between Sheldon and his mother, Mary, despite their starkly different beliefs and personalities. The finale provided the much-needed explanation, ensuring continuity between the two series.

A Heartfelt Farewell to George Sr.

The final two episodes of Young Sheldon were emotional and poignant, focusing on the aftermath of George Sr.

’s death. The first episode centered around his funeral, capturing the raw grief of the Cooper family. Georgie’s eulogy was particularly touching, as he promised to take care of Missy and Sheldon in their father’s absence, highlighting his newfound sense of responsibility.

Mary's Faith and Meemaw's Influence

The finale also delved deep into Mary’s intense religious faith, a trait that has been a cornerstone of her character. In her grief, Mary retreated into prayer, a coping mechanism that was subtly encouraged by Meemaw.

By telling Missy and Sheldon to get baptized, Meemaw hoped that Mary’s religious zeal would eventually diminish. This storyline explained the evolution of Mary’s character into the more zealous version seen in The Big Bang Theory.

Resolving the Sheldon-Mary Relationship Mystery

One of the most significant revelations was the exploration of Sheldon and Mary’s relationship. Despite their divergent beliefs, the series showed how their bond was strengthened through shared experiences of loss and coping mechanisms.

This nuanced portrayal provided the backstory needed to understand their close relationship in The Big Bang Theory, despite their differences.

Bridging Two Iconic Sitcoms

While both Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory are primarily comedies, they have never shied away from addressing major character deaths and their impacts. The Young Sheldon finale successfully bridged the gap between the two shows, offering fans a satisfying conclusion to lingering questions.

The ending of Young Sheldon not only wrapped up its own narrative but also enriched the storyline of The Big Bang Theory, providing fans with a deeper understanding of beloved characters and their complexities.

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