Paramount+ has announced that the highly-anticipated Yellowstone prequel, titled 1883, will premiere on Sunday, December 19. The show features an all-star cast including Sam Elliott, Tim McGraw, and Faith Hill, with more cast members to be announced later. The series follows the Dutton family as they travel west through the Great Plains towards Montana, the last untamed region of America. It delves into the story of Western expansion and explores the hardships faced by the family as they seek a better future.
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill will play the roles of James and Margaret Dutton, the patriarch and matriarch of the Dutton family, while Sam Elliott will portray the character of Shea Brennan, a rugged cowboy with a troubled past.
McGraw expressed his excitement about the project on social media, highlighting the opportunity to work alongside Sam Elliott and writer Taylor Sheridan. Hill also shared her enthusiasm for the show on Instagram, promising viewers that they have never seen anything like it.1883 is set to be an epic family saga and will serve as a prequel to the popular series Yellowstone. It will explore the origins of the Dutton family and their journey to Montana, where they establish their ranch. The show is executive produced by Taylor Sheridan, John Linson, Art Linson, David Glasser, Ron Burkle, and Bob Yari.
Fans of the original Yellowstone series are eagerly awaiting the premiere of 1883. The show's announcement has sparked excitement and curiosity about the story and the new characters that will be introduced. With its star-studded cast and promising premise, 1883 is shaping up to be a must-watch series for fans of Western dramas. The prequel is expected to provide compelling backstory and further expand the Yellowstone universe.
As the premiere date approaches, more details about the show and additional cast members will be revealed. For now, fans can mark their calendars for December 19, when they will be able to embark on the journey with the Dutton family and witness the untamed beauty of 1883's wild America.