Cat's friend died from cancer, so his owners let her say "goodbye"… Now Watch How The Cat Responds

Cats interact with what is going on around them in quite a complex way. They can, and do, express a wide range of emotions, from grief to anger, stress, joy, and anxiety. What makes this more interesting is that this has been proven through research published on the VCA hospital website.

After a long battle with cancer poor Chuey has crossed the rainbow bridge. Her family has lovingly wrapped her in a blanket, while her good friend Big Boy sits by her side. Wondering how Big Boy will handle the loss of his buddy, a family member decides to film his reaction.


Below is the video of Big Boy trying to revive his friend and realizing that she is in fact, gone

As the owner takes Chuey away, we can see poor Big Boy moving to different parts of the room and lying around with sadness written all over him.

In my opinion, this just goes to show that cats and other animals feel much more than you can even imagine. We do not treat them as equally as we treat humans. So, this is a sign that it is time to finally realize that these creatures deserve our unconditional love and compassion…

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