Daryl Dixon, portrayed by Norman Reedus, is a beloved character in The Walking Dead universe. After the series finale of The Walking Dead, Daryl embarked on an unplanned adventure in France, leading to the spinoff series, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. The second season of the show has been renewed and filming began shortly after the first season wrapped.
It has been reported that the new season will bring back fan-favorite Carol Peletier, played by Melissa McBride. The premiere date for the second season has not been announced yet but is expected to be in 2024. The season has been subtitled "The Book of Carol" and will focus on Carol's search for Daryl in France while he helps his new friends. Fans are eagerly waiting for the long-awaited reunion between the two characters. Stay tuned for the premiere of season 2 of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon on AMC and AMC+ in 2024.