Bradley Whitford, former costar of Matthew Perry, recently paid tribute to the late actor in a heartfelt Instagram post. Whitford, who acted alongside Perry in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip from 2006 to 2007, shared a throwback video of the duo joking around during a press interview for the show. In his caption, Whitford described Perry as someone who could make him laugh hard and praised his ability to riff on the absurdity of show business and the foolishness of male confidence. He also acknowledged Perry's enormous talent and open heart, but noted that his vulnerabilities eventually led to a lifelong battle with addiction.
Whitford expressed admiration for Perry's courage in facing his struggles with addiction, calling it heroic and lamenting the lack of recognition for such battles in award shows. He described Perry as a person full of contradictions – hilariously self-deprecating yet wildly self-confident, a source of light with a capacity for darkness. Whitford wanted to assure Perry's parents that he was a kind person, not just to his costar but to everyone.
In conclusion, Whitford urged people to continue Perry's work by opening their hearts to others who share similar vulnerabilities, encouraging them to seek help and receive support.
He expressed gratitude for having had the opportunity to work with Perry, spend time with him, and most importantly, be his friend.Matthew Perry tragically passed away on Saturday at the age of 54 from an apparent drowning at his Los Angeles home. Perry's family released a statement expressing their heartbreak and acknowledging his ability to bring joy to the world. The statement also expressed gratitude for the outpouring of love they received.
Perry's Friends castmates, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, and David Schwimmer, also released a joint statement expressing their devastation over his loss. They referred to themselves as a family and mentioned that they would take time to grieve and process the unimaginable loss. They promised to share more in the future and extended their thoughts and love to Perry's family, friends, and fans worldwide.