In the season 1 finale of "1923," Spencer, played by Brandon Sklenar, faces a major turning point in his journey. He finds himself separated from his wife, Alexandra, after a deadly altercation with her ex-fiancé aboard a ship. As Spencer continues his long journey home, the pressure intensifies as he realizes the responsibility he carries to save his family and the ranch.
The finale reveals that wealthy businessman Donald Whitfield has taken control of the Duttons by paying off the massive debt on the ranch, putting Jacob (played by Harrison Ford) under his control. With the future of the ranch hanging in the balance, Spencer must decide whether to focus on finding Alexandra or returning home to protect his family.
Sklenar describes the finale as tragic, with Spencer feeling responsible for losing Alexandra and blaming himself for everything.He hopes that in season 2, Spencer will fully realize his purpose and mission, getting the chance to bring down the antagonists threatening the ranch. Sklenar promises an epic, tragic, and violent continuation in the second season, with a potential tonal shift for Spencer's character. While the actor is eager to see how the story unfolds, he, like the fans, remains along for the ride, eagerly anticipating the promised payoff.