Lisa Kudrow Says She Felt ‘Self Conscious’ About Her Body Next To Jennifer Aniston And Courtney Cox!

 has revealed she felt self conscious next to her co-stars while filming .

Speaking on the  podcast, the actor explained that she thought she looked different to  and  due to how the costume department tailored their clothes.

“Seeing myself on the show and seeing myself in clothes and seeing Courtney and Jennifer, I thought, ‘Oh, they know tailoring so they can discuss it with the costume designer about where exactly to take it in’,” she explained.

Kudrow added that she asked Cox and Aniston to come to fittings with her, but said the alterations didn’t change the way she felt about her body.

“I’m not trying to say I was overweight,” she added. “I was not. I just had no idea of the actual shape of my body.”

Kudrow said she embraced her shape when she hit her forties and thought, “It’s OK. This is just what I look like.”

She added that a lot of the body image pressure she felt was coming from herself.

“That’s all in your own head, you’re doing that to yourself,” she continued. “No one needs you to be Tom Cruise or as famous as Tom Cruise. For me, at that time, it was Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan.

No one is actually requiring that of me.”

Aniston and Cox were famed for their svelte figures during their years on the nineties sitcom, and Kudrow has said in the past that fittings on the  set “were not fun”.

“It’s not that I felt horrible around them. Fittings were not fun, that’s for sure,” she said of her co-stars in a 2021 interview with .

“Yeah, I have a different body type. I’m just bigger and sometimes the clothes, when I’d see the show, were so sort of full of volume … it was only this one moment where I hugged both of them but there was no sleeve. It was just like, I enveloped them. I felt like this mountainous thing that swallowed them alive.”

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